Confocal microscopy

Step by Step Math Calculation

Project Syndicate

Genetics basics

Core Muscle build up

Core Muscle build up 2

Online European Radio

Hearing Aid

Curing the incurable

Liouville theorem

For an LTI system:

it is causal, if h[n] = 0 for all n<0

acausal, if h[n] arbitrary

anti-causal, if h[n] = 0 for all n>0

Vitamin D


Natural Cycles

Bone anchored hearing aid

Locate Android Phone (Lost/Stolen)


Computer website of Sleepless

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

Difference File Checker

1 fs = 0.3 microns

33 fs = 10 microns

[U, S, V] = svd(A); ds = diag(S); condition_number  = max(dS)/min(dS); cond(A). The condition number tells how a small change in input affects the change in measurement.


Trends Journal by Gerald Celente

How to choose cookware


Tutorial on programming

Excellent website on Islamic materials

Real-Valued Functions

zero mean white Gaussian noise of variance 4


normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 2


gradient  = greatest increase

Interesting dietitian Sarah

Hofstede organizational behavior

Green's function


Causal and non-causal system

Cheap Chinese buying place

Four Primary Temperaments

Laplacian vector and scalar fields

Latex on web

Khan Academy

How to find distance in eye glass

good source on antenna

Intuitive Explanation on Fourier Transform

Intuitive understanding of DFT

Example of calculating DFT by hand

Laplace Transformation

Laplace transformation (Part 1)

Laplace transformation (Part 2)

clockwise rotation => Going backwards => exp(-j omega t)

exp(j omega t) ==> counter clockwise Phasor representation

Plane wave

1. E and H lie in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

2. E and H are perpendicular to each other.

For example,

|R> = 1/sqrt(2) [1; -i]

|L> = 1/sqrt(2) [1; i]

Correlation or inner space product <R,L> = |R>*T . |L> =0

Jones vectors are orthogonal.

Uniform Plane wave

In addition to 1.) and 2.) above, E and H are uniform in the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation.  E and H vary only in the direction of propagation.


Introduction and the references